Based Logs #18 - Hiatus
July 27, 2024
I’ve been primarily focused on some other projects in my life and I haven’t had the time to work on the engine with my full attention. What is even worse is that Facepunch has announced another s&box gamejam that started today! The prize pool has doubled and since I was apart of the team that won the last one… it makes sense to dedicate my full priority on this gamejam. I’m going to see if I can do some shader work in HLSL for the game we plan to work on. It would be nice to gain some more experience since a majority of my time has been spent in C++ and not writing shaders.
As a minor update I managed to get model and texture loading implemented on the DirectX 11 version of my engine. There is also just a lot of general cleanup I’ve done which has really made the codebase quite nice to work with. I mean look at my render loop… I feel like it is extremely readable.
void Application::Run() const
while (!glfwWindowShouldClose(_glfwWindow))
One area where my code base started to deteriorate last time around is when I added shadow mapping. I found that my _scene->Render();
method began to explode in size because of having to render the scene objects multiple times. I’m wondering if implementing deferred rendering could potentially help with that abstraction.

Classic hamster model loaded...