Dota Top 5000
September 4, 2024
I wrote a blog a few months ago detailing how I hit the highest rank in Dota 2. Well, I somehow managed to hit top 5000 in North America today.

The funny part is that I am nowhere even close to even becoming remotely professional at this game. I would have probably needed to hit this milestone five years ago and drop out of university so I could play ten hours a day to even have a chance.
I am pretty impressed that I managed to achieve this with only 3,779 hours logged. That may seem like a lot, but, I have been playing this game off and on since 2012. One interesting aspect is I thought I would just slowly get worse at games as I got older. Mostly due to the fact that I would have less and less time to play games as compared to when I was in high school. Well, I definitely play a lot less, but, I think my ability to remain mature and lead games has drastically improved.
In a different world I can imagine myself taking the spot of Nisha… but this isn’t one of those lifetimes. I’ll continue playing casually and I hope I don’t get to a point where I start caring about how high my number is.